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5 Things to Do in a Spiritually Dry Season

The valley in a dry desert

I must confess, friends, that I've found myself amid a spiritually dry season. Despite my efforts to follow the right path and serve the Lord diligently, I've had a profound realization: God's primary concern isn't my productivity. He truly desires my wholehearted devotion - something I've been struggling to offer Him lately.

In the hustle and bustle of life, balancing various tasks and responsibilities in ministry, I've unintentionally let my time with the Lord slip away. It's a stark realization that my efforts and achievements for the Lord, while not indicating a surrendered heart, are still valuable and appreciated. This fact stings, mainly when investing my energy into serving Him faithfully. However, upon introspection, I've identified where my priorities have veered off course, where my focus has wandered, and where my heart has stumbled.

This week on the podcast, I invite you to join me as I delve into the reasons behind my spiritually dry season in a conversation with my mentor, Chrissie Dunham. Our discussion was raw, real, and humbling as we explored the depths of vulnerability. But I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey. If you're going through a similar season, understand that many others have walked this path before. You don't have to stay in this place of spiritual dryness. Together, Chrissie and I have compiled a list of five practical steps we can all take to navigate such seasons. Whether it's self-imposed, the result of spiritual warfare, or simply a mysterious divine plan, there are ways we can journey through it with resilience and grace and move from overwhelmed to overflowing.

Confess Sin

Acknowledge and confess any sin in our lives, recognizing that unconfessed sin can create a barrier between us and God, hindering our communication and relationship with Him. (Psalm 66:18; 1 John 1:9). 

Pride, especially, is a major stumbling block for me. If you follow any of my social media accounts, you probably noticed the technical glitch I encountered while uploading this week's podcast episode. It was a mess – poor loading, bad audio for nearly an hour. When I heard it play back, I was pressed. Swiftly, I switched into troubleshooting mode, pulling down the original episode and scrambling to pinpoint the problem.

Amidst the chaos, I found myself in a rare moment of stillness in the office. As I waited for the episode to buffer on our dreadfully slow dinosaur WiFi, the still, small voice of the Lord whispered to my heart, “You're capable and can handle a lot on your own. But I want you to remember, without Me, you can do nothing.” It was a profound reminder. And just like that, the episode updated. The audio was fixed.

I love that God can take something the enemy is trying to use to distract me to turn it into a lesson for me (Romans 8:28). This experience served as a powerful reminder of the importance of regular confession and repentance in maintaining a close connection with God. Even really good things, like ministry, can become idols if we don’t work to keep them in check. Jesus first, and then everything else.

Unconfessed sin as a believer will cause a wedge between God and us. One verse that highlights this is found in Psalm 66:18: "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened." So here’s the good news: if you have sin in your life, regardless of what it is, we are only responsible for listening to the Holy Spirit’s conviction and responding. God is the one who is faithful as he promises in His word.

One verse that addresses the importance of confessing sin to maintain a right relationship with God is found in 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." This verse underscores that harboring sin in our hearts can disrupt our communication with God. It suggests that unconfessed sin can hinder our prayers and our ability to hear from God. Therefore, it's essential for believers to regularly confess their sins, seek God's forgiveness, and strive for a pure heart before Him. 

Confession and repentance allow us to maintain a close and unhindered relationship with God, enabling us to experience His love, guidance, and blessings in our lives. If you’re in a spiritually dry season do a spiritual self-check.

Be Still

Taking moments of quietness and intentionally setting aside time to be still before the Lord can create an environment where we are more receptive to His voice. By removing distractions and quieting our hearts, we open ourselves to hear from Him more clearly (Psalm 46:10; Isaiah 55:2-3).

I've come to realize that my recent spiritual dry spell may stem from being overly consumed with 'doing' rather than 'being' in the presence of God. Like Martha, who was busy with many tasks, I've found myself neglecting the essential aspect of spending quality time with the Father, much like Mary, who chose to sit at Jesus' feet (Luke 10:38-42).

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to overlook the significance of quiet moments of reflection and prayer. However, these moments of stillness are vital for nurturing our spiritual well-being. Just as Mary found wisdom and refreshment at Jesus' feet, we too can find the same when we pause to be still before God. Despite cultural norms, Mary's posture of sitting at Jesus' feet symbolizes a posture of humility and receptivity to His teachings. So, amidst life's busyness, let's prioritize carving out moments of stillness to hear from God and replenish our spirits.

Put On the Whole Armor of God

Heed the call to arm ourselves with God’s armor, knowing that His protection is available to us as we navigate the battlefield of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Putting on the whole armor of God is not just a metaphorical concept; it's vital in the face of real spiritual warfare. As Ephesians 6:10-18 instructs us, we're called to clothe ourselves with the armor of God, equipping us to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.

It's crucial to recognize that spiritual warfare is not a mere abstraction; it's a tangible reality that we must confront. We're not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, staying vigilant against these spiritual attacks is imperative.

By putting on the armor of God, we're not only protected but empowered to withstand and overcome the enemy's assaults. This armor includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Trust God’s Timing

Trust in God's timing is perfect, even when it seems like He is silent (Jeremiah 29:11; Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Consider the 400-year gap between the Old and New Testaments, where God seemed quiet. I cannot wrap my brain around why God would choose silence, but then again, it’s not my responsibility or even in my capability to understand the thoughts of God. My thoughts are not His thoughts, and my ways are not His ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Despite the uncertainty that God’s people experienced in that 400 year time period, Jesus arrived on the scene at just the right moment, fulfilling God's sovereign plan. But the miracle of a virgin birth was preceeded by silence.

In seasons of waiting or silence, it's crucial to remain steadfast in faith, trusting that God is working behind the scenes according to His perfect timing. Although we may not understand why God chooses silence at times, we can hold onto the promise that He will reveal His purposes in due time. As followers of Jesus, we don’t have to know what He’s doing, but we can trust that His timing is perfect, and His plans are ultimately for our good and His glory.

Return to Your First Love

In times of silence or distance, it's imperative not to let our faith waver or our connection with God falter (Galatians 6:9).

One of my all-time favorite Bible verses for finding encouragement during difficult times is Galatians 6:9: “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” This verse reminds us to persevere through challenges, knowing that our efforts will eventually yield fruit if we remain steadfast. While it may be easier said than done, we can live out this principle by adhering to the fundamentals of our faith.

It's common to become sidetracked and prioritize worldly activities over seeking God's presence. However, it's crucial to remember the significance of maintaining our devotion to Him. Revelation 2:4-5 serves as a poignant reminder not to forsake our first love for God and to reignite our passion for Him. We must actively pursue intimacy in our relationship with God, setting aside time for prayer, worship, and reflection in His presence.

Instead of allowing ourselves to become discouraged or disheartened, let's anchor ourselves in our relationship with God, prioritizing intimacy with Him above all else. By remaining patient and unwavering in our faith, we can trust that God's timing is always perfect, and His plans for us are ultimately for our benefit and His glory.

Amidst our eagerness to engage with our communities and pursue various endeavors, let's not lose sight of the importance of seeking God wholeheartedly.

Let us resist the temptation to prioritize worldly pursuits over our relationship with Him and instead dedicate ourselves to seeking His face and experiencing His presence in our lives through the dry seasons, the valleys, and on the mountaintops. For it is in His presence that we find strength, peace, and the fulfillment of our deepest longings.

May we continually seek Him with all our hearts, knowing that He is faithful to meet us wherever we are and guide us through every season of life.

If you're interested in hearing more raw and real content, check out this week’s episode of Unpolished Faith with Chrissie Dunham, my mentor who has been discipling for about 6 months now.

Our hope is that this episode will encourage you to return to the fundamentals of your faith, put on the whole armor of God, and persevere through the dry seasons of your life!

After you listen, let us know what you think of the conversation by leaving a comment and review. 

You are loved. 


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